Awards Finalists / Announcement

SOPA Announces Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists

Click below to download the shortlist of finalists (listed in alphabetical order of publication)

SOPA Awards 2013 Finalist_List Group ABC


Notice from Society of Publishers in Asia Editorial Committee

Cancelling the Award for Category C, Journalist of the Year, 2013

After careful consideration, we are cancelling the Journalist of the Year Award for Category C, for which we received only three entries this year. One of the entrants, Taiwan-based Business Today, admitted to inappropriate journalistic practices regarding an article written by the candidate and we have disqualified the entry. Our standard is that all categories must have a minimum of three entries to be eligible for the competition. We extend our apologies to the remaining two entrants and encourage all eligible publications to enter next year.


Excellence in Lifestyle Coverage

Group A

Financial Times, Changing lifestyles in China (Honorable mention)

Financial Times, The Indian Kaleidoscope

TIME Asia, The Great Scrawl of China (Award for Excellence)

Group B

Korea JoongAng Daily, Korea still conflicted over its custom of dining on dogs (Award for Excellence)

Silkroad, October 2012 (Honorable mention)

The Phnom Penh Post, Behind the wheel – Stories of road victims

Group C

Business Weekly, alive Taste Book (London)

Lohas Magazine, Short sketch of Tea house (Award for Excellence)

Modern Weekly, Young Asia (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Explanatory Reporting

Group A

Bloomberg News, Mother India Starves Her Children (Award for Excellence)

International Herald Tribune, The iEconomy

The Associated Press, China’s Reach (Honorable mention)

Group B

China Economic Review, Awash in cash

China Economic Review, Fuel to the Fire (Honorable mention)

Discovery Channel Magazine, Going Viral (Award for Excellence)

Group C

Apple Daily, 中共十八大系列報道

CommonWealth Magazine, Korea’s Economic Model:Leaving Taiwan in the Dust, at a Price (Award for Excellence)

陽光時務, Hong Kong Local Tension (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Investigative Reporting

Group A

Bloomberg News, Revolution to Riches (Honorable mention)

International Herald Tribune, China’s Princelings (Award for Excellence)

The Wall Street Journal Asia, A Murder Shakes China

Group B

Asia Sentinel, The Murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu (Award for Excellence)

South China Morning Post, Chongqing Revisited

The Phnom Penh Post, Global Fund probe (Honorable mention)

Group C

CommonWealth Magazine, Food Safety:Beefsteak Confidential

Ming Pao, 香港特首候選人唐英年和梁振英的僭建調查報道 (Award for Excellence)

遠見雜誌, 你所不知道的環境中國 (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Reporting Breaking News

Group A

Financial Times, Chinese Communist Party 18th Congress

International Herald Tribune, North Korea Under Kim Jong-Un (Honorable mention)

Reuters, Ethnic War in Myanmar (Award for Excellence)

Group B

South China Morning Post, Escape from China (Honorable mention)

The Phnom Penh Post, Kaoway factory shootings (Award for Excellence)

The Phnom Penh Post, “Secessionist” crackdown in Pro Ma

Group C

Apple Daily, 國慶沉船大災難 (Honorable mention)

Ming Pao, 國慶大海難 (Award for Excellence)

Sing Tao News, Deadliest Maritime Disaster on 10 1


Excellence in Business Reporting

Group A

Bloomberg News, Asia’s Shadow Banking Threat (Honorable mention)

International Herald Tribune, The iEconomy (Award for Excellence)

The Wall Street Journal Asia, China’s Money Trail

Group B

South China Morning Post, Dongguan, Deserted Boom Town (Honorable mention)

The Jakarta Globe, Surge in Soybean Prices Leads to Higher Prices of Tofu, Tempeh and Public Outcry

The Phnom Penh Post, Leopard’s fishy business (Award for Excellence)

Group C

CommonWealth Magazine, Hidden Champions

遠見雜誌, 台灣正在買日本 (Award for Excellence)

遠見雜誌, 服務啟動新中國 (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Human Rights Reporting

Group A

Bloomberg News, Mother India Starves Her Children (Award for Excellence)

International Herald Tribune, The fight for workers’ rights in Bangladesh (Honorable mention)

The Wall Street Journal Asia, Many Steps Back For Afghan Women

Group B

MINT, HT Media, Migrants

South China Morning Post, Maimed in China (Honorable mention)

Thomson Reuters Foundation, Women’s rights in India (Award for Excellence)

Group C

Apple Daily, 反洗腦國民教育風暴 (Honorable mention)

Apple Daily, 湖南鐵漢李旺陽之死

陽光時務, Who Rescued Chen Guangcheng (Award for Excellence)


Excellence in Reporting on the Environment

Group A

Financial Times, Japan’s Energy Crisis Fukushima and Its Aftermath

International Herald Tribune, Of Poachers and Plastic (Honorable mention)

Reuters, China Gambles On Cambodia’s Shrinking Forests (Award for Excellence)

Group B

South China Morning Post, Toxic (Award for Excellence)

The Jakarta Globe, Indonesia’s Illegal Miners Risk Lives, Environment in Pursuit of Gold (Honorable mention)

The Myanmar Times, Battery fishing rise threatens unique dolphin cooperation

Group C

East Week Magazine, 1)重災區直擊 災後首個新年 日本人自殺激增 2)福島直擊 輻射超標 日本人與核災難共存

陽光時務, An Island Polluted by Nuclear Waste (Honorable mention)

遠見雜誌, 你所不知道的環境中國 (Award for Excellence)


Excellence in Feature Writing

Group A

Bloomberg Markets, The Scourge of the Superbugs (Award for Excellence)

Financial Times, Bo Xilai power, death and politics (Honorable mention)

The Wall Street Journal Asia, One Woman’s Cure

Group B

A Plus, Art Boom

South China Morning Post, Sold Down The River (Award for Excellence)

The Star Malaysia, Trapped by distance (Honorable mention)

Group C

Business Weekly, Elder-Driven Tsunami

Life Magazine, The Road of Treasures (Award for Excellence)

Next Magazine, 年度風雲人物 – 八萬劏房人 (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Opinion Writing

Group A

Financial Times, The price of success in China (Award for Excellence)

Financial Times, The troubles of a waking giant

International Herald Tribune, Letter From India (Honorable mention)

Group B

The Jakarta Globe, Opinion Pieces by Jamil Maidan Flores (Award for Excellence)

The Myanmar Times, Time to seize the moment (Honorable mention)

The Phnom Penh Post, ASEAN struggles for unity

Group C, Xu Danei’s column_Read between the lines (Honorable mention)

陽光時務, Why Self-immolations in Tibet (Award for Excellence)

Yazhou Zhoukan, Hong Kong SAR 15 Years the Disclosure of 10 Contradictions


Excellence in News Photography

Group A

International Herald Tribune, Daw Aung Sun Suu Kyi Campaigns in Myanmar

Reuters, Ethnic War in Myanmar (Award for Excellence)

TIME Asia, Japan One Year Later (Honorable mention)

Group B

The Myanmar Times, Rakhine State conflict

The Myanmar Times, Yangon peace march (Award for Excellence)

The New Paper on Sunday, LionsXII survive Sarawak ‘hell’ (Honorable mention)

Group C

Business Weekly, Elder-Driven Tsunami (Honorable mention)

台灣蘋果日報, 向風雨執勤者致敬 警所長勘災殉職

遠見雜誌, 你所不知道的環境中國 (Award for Excellence)


Excellence in Feature Photography

Group A

International Herald Tribune, Kachin Come Under Siege in Myanmar

Reuters, Behind the Congress (Honorable mention)

Reuters, The Rohingya (Award for Excellence)

Group B

Silkwinds, Venice of the East (Award for Excellence)

The Star Malaysia, Bull run

The Straits Times / The Sunday Times, Hiding place Singapore’s first halfway house (Honorable mention)

Group C

陽光時務, Potraits of Wukanese (Honorable mention)

Life Magazine, Portrait of Nine Songs (Award for Excellence)

Next Magazine, 年度風雲人物 – 八萬劏房人


Excellence in Editorial Cartooning

Group A (cancelled)

Group B

South China Morning Post, The Handover (Honorable mention)

The Myanmar Times, Shooting the (peace) messenger (Award for Excellence)

The Straits Times / The Sunday Times, China plays its Asean game

Group C

Apple Daily, 反國民教育洗腦

陽光時務, Goodbye, Bo Xilai (Award for Excellence)

Ming Pao, 李旺陽之死系列 (Honorable mention)


Excellence in Information Graphics

Group A

Financial Times, Chinese leadership transition (Award for Excellence)

Reuters, Japan’s electronics giants under pressure (Honorable mention)

Reuters, Terror Town

Group B

South China Morning Post, Arteries of the City (Honorable mention)

South China Morning Post, Wiring the City (Award for Excellence)

The Straits Times / The Sunday Times, Mirroring nature

Group C

Apple Daily, 中國改造航母遠洋征戰 (Honorable mention)

Businessweek/China, Governing China (Award for Excellence)

The Outlook Magazine, Chronicle of Soviet Architecture in Moscow


Excellence in Multimedia News Presentation

Group A (cancelled)

Group B (cancelled)

Group C

陽光時務, The Rise of Suu kyi (Honorable mention)

CommonWealth Parenting, The Learning Revolution (URL inks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) (Award for Excellence)

Sharp Daily Ltd, 爽知識


The Scoop Award

Group A

Bloomberg News, Xi Jinping’s Family Riches (Honorable mention)

International Herald Tribune, China’s Princelings (Award for Excellence)

The Wall Street Journal Asia, Casino Tales

Group B

South China Morning Post, 18th Party Congress (Award for Excellence)

South China Morning Post, Libyan Rendition (Honorable mention)

The New Paper, Source. Messages. Scandal

Group C

Apple Daily, 發展局局長麥齊光呃租津系列報道 (Award for Excellence)

East Week Magazine, 1)西九設計比賽任評審 疑與參賽公司有關連 梁振英涉利益衝突2)政府文件踢爆不盡不實 揭投票鍾情關連作品 梁振英陷誠信破產危機3)直擊梁振英打手劉夢熊密會「上海仔」選舉 (Honorable mention)

陽光時務, Who Rescued Chen Guangcheng


Journalist of the Year

Group A

Bloomberg News, Mehul Srivastava (Award for Excellence)

International Herald Tribune, David Barboza

The Wall Street Journal Asia, Jeremy Page

Group B

South China Morning Post, Teddy Ng

The New Paper, Zaihan Mohamed Yusof (Global match-fixing linked to Singapore)

The Phnom Penh Post, May Titthara (Award for Excellence)

Group C (cancelled)


Excellence in Magazine Design

Group A

Cathay Pacific Inflight Magazines, Discovery magazine – Close Encounters (Honorable mention)

Sawasdee inflight magazine for Thai Airways (Award for Excellence)

Style & Style_MEN Timepieces

Group B

Discovery Channel Magazine, Discovery Channel Magazine, December 2012 Issue (Award for Excellence)

Home Journal, Home Journal May 2012 issue – The New Look issue

South China Morning Post, Breaking In (Honorable mention)

Group C

LEAP, THEORY FEVER (Honorable mention)

Life Magazine, The Starry Night (Award for Excellence)

Modern Weekly, Young Asia